

Some Tips about The Print Head That You Should Pay Attention to

  Hi, Nice to see you again. How is your weekend going ?  All of you must know that the print head is one of the most important part of the digital inkjet printer. The quality of the print head can directly depend the printing solution of the pattern. Then do you know how can we test the new print head of your printer in a right way ? Read the following articles and you will know more details.

The following seven methods can be tested:

  1. In the trial before the print head, with a needle to test the print head to see if the plug. This is a very superfluous, and dangerous practice, first of all, once the print head into the water, you do not get dry on the machine power, ranging from burning board, while the head is burned; print head generally play a protective solution, you use the syringe into the head , Not only washed away the protection of the head of the liquid, and because the hand pressure is too large, likely to cause print head air block, resulting in no ink;
  2. The head of the print head is very fragile, absolutely can not bump, do sure to protect. Its surface is a piece of aluminum, the inner layer coated with a crystal oscillator and very small ink tube. A touch will be concave, deformation, and even broken, so that the print head on the scrapped;
  3. When installing the print head should also be careful, must first power, and installed in place. After the installation, the hand gently push the car around the move, check whether it is smooth, do not install the power on, because, if the head is not in place, a car is easy to head to hit the broken, and the staff feel, , Controllable strong;

  4. plug the cable, do not bring the ink, but also to ensure good contact with the socket, do not touch the foot, otherwise, will cause the print head short-circuit burned;
  5. Steel shaft should be clean and smooth, paper towels can be used to wipe the sticky oil, do not directly to the shaft refueling, the excess oil will flow to the print head up, causing damage;
  6. mechanical, the circuit is correct, it is necessary to test the waterway, and first look at the ink within the ink tank enough; Second, check the small clean blade, suction pump is dirty;
  7. Just installed on the print head inside the air, so it will not print immediately, only the head of the air completely discharged before the normal line out; specific steps are as follows:
  First of all, can be used intermittent cleaning (cleaning only 2 times, and then stop after 30 minutes and then wash 2 times) repeatedly washed too much, will cause the cleaning pump ink, not only will print color, ink leakage, but also a waste of ink ;
  Second, you can print more pictures, so that the print head in the work of the air;
  Once again, if the machine has been led to the waste ink tube, you can first power, and then set a rubber tube with a rubber tube to suck the waste ink tube, until the extraction of 3-5 ML ink so far, and then boot, with the machine normal cleaning time, Artificially to the head of the air to the hard out, the side effect is likely to cause cleaning pump heap.

  Okay , These all above is my share about the print head. If you have any needs or 
questions welcome to contact us at any time. We can provide you with the high quality DX-5, DX-6,DX-7,Canon, GEN-5 etc print head also with the good service. Hope this article can be useful to you. Thank you for your reading.

Nanjing Feiyue paper Industrial Co.,ltd

